Sunday, October 31, 2010


The film I chose to represent my 3 Act- Structure is Cinderella. The first scene introduces the main character and protagonist Cinderella and her evil step- mother and sisters. Lady Tremaine, Anastasia Tremaine, and Drizella Tremaine. Cinderella father pasted away as a child and left her with her wicked step-mother who began to treat her like an outcast and completely wrong. One day during their day out Cinderella accidentally bumped into the Prince who was disguised as an common village person and they instantly connected. Plot point #1 arrives when the Prince delivers news that he is hosting a ball in order to find himself a wife. Being the evil person she is Lady Tremaine forbids Cinderella from going because she has to do her everyday chores.
The second scene introduces Cinderellas Fairy God-Mother. He Fairy God-Mother grants Cinderella wish of being able to go to the Ball by magically creating her a princess grown, and a beautiful carriage. At the ball no one knows who Cinderella actually is and she instantly catches the Prince eye. At 12 o' clock Cinderella has to leave and she run- off leaving behind her shoe. Her plot point #2 in made , the Prince finds
her glass slipper. This action ends scene 2 leaving audience wondering what is he going to do with the slipper.
The opening of scence 3 reveals his plan, the Prince decides to go from house to house trying on the slipper to every lady present at the ball. After hours of failure he finally finds Cinderella after her mother and sister try to hide her and the slipper fits. This scene is also plot point 3 and the climax of the story. After this climax the rest of the story reveals the wonderful and happy after life of the Prince and Cinderella

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sitcoms: Martin

There are many characteristic of sitcoms such as being based on a family, workplace, or other common situation, it repeated actions and scenery , and  that it is episodic.
One sitcom that is most common to me and the people in my family is the show Martin starring Martin Lawerence and many more well-known African American Actors. This show displays every characteristic that i have listed above. It revolves around a group of 5 friends who always come together in the home of Martin the main character to produce very hilarious situations.
Because it is episodic and  I have seen every episode all except maybe 3 or 4 episodes were unrelated to each other. Every time the show would come on the audience is in for a treat because we are unaware of what hilarious topic will be discussed in the showing. Another aspect is that every new episode functioned as if the last episode never existed which gave the audience a fresh new entertainment and the director and screenwriter something new to play with.
Also like many other sitcoms they scenery stays the same for every episode. In Martin the beginning and end of majority of  the shows are shot in Martins apartment in Detroit. This apartment is were the topic discussed is brought about and resolved and concluded. Also the actions of the characters  remains the same through out the series such as Martin and Pam making constant jokes about each other that takes place in every single episode, jokes about Gina , Martins partner, large head, Cole being stupid, and Tommy never having a job.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angle Shot from the Film Precious by Lee Shed

      During this scene the director used a medium shot to give the audience more information on the star Precious.This scene gives a total description of the character who is an overweight African American female. The focus of this film shows her struggles throughout her life dealing with her immediate family and her social life. He shows that she is different from many others and is obviously not the ideal female that is wanted in society.This scence that the still shot was took from shows Precious walking the streets of New York by herself recieving insulting looks and remarks from the outside world.
      In this still shot the director incorporated two young gentlemen who seems to be staring at Precious as she walks pass them. This displays the way the outside world views her as an outsider and a disgust to human kind.He also incorporates two young men who are obviously friends who stares at her with pure disgust and hatred. Compared to the two guys precious has no friends and is labeled as a loner.
      In my opionion I believe the director shoots this scene depicted from the still in a low position to give Precious power in this scence to show how she handles her situation. During this scene  Precious pours out her whole life story. With the numerous people surrounding her character while she is walking down the streets she stills withhold a sense of power that clarifies that even though she is struggling she will and has overcome and continue to fight.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Classic opening logo of RKO Radio Pictures

A particular aspect of the studio system is the star system and its contracted stars belonging to the top five movie productions: Paramount, Lowes/MGM, Warner Brothers, Fox, and RKO. The production facilities demand their actors/actresses to sign a contract obligating them to only work for that specific company and no one else . The production facilities figured that if they were to use big name actors/actresses would attract more viewers if their stars were already advanced in their roles demanded of them. The performers for these films were hired because they had already had prior skills in the roles such as singing for musical and dance for broadway productions. However the stars belonging to the certain production team were sometime traded amongst eachother to keep comepetition btween the top 5.
An example of an contracted star is Lucille Ball (An original RKO actress) a actress, comedian, and model of the the Golden Ages of Film. Because of her diverse skills she was a major commodity for RKO Production and also for other production such as Mgm ( The Facts of Life) Because of her prior experience to entertainment she easilt attracted  wide spread audience to the comapany as well as more money.


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Many episodes of "All in the family including the episode viewed at screening revolve around everyday controversail issues such as racism and homosexuality in the 1970s'. A show that show similar yet different characteristic is "That 70s Show" a contemporary comedy the places humor on these controversial issues in a new and modern way.

The family in "That 70s Show" includes a father much like Archie Bunker, war veteran and against the new aged rebellious teens, Red Foreman. Red utilizes remarks that implies how he is tremedously against the actions and ways of the teenagers of the times but does so in a way were he doesnt adress the topic directly. Reds remarks mostly revolves around his family and how his son friends influence the show basic idea.He often makes remarks about homosexuality and how his son ,Eric, friends display these unwanted characteristics.
The character of Archie Bunker places humor on a more broader stand in which he is defensive and makes rude remakes about people who he beliiefs, sexual orientation, or ethnicity is not of his liking without beating around the bush. Unlike the obvious implication of That 70s Show to make light of the situations brought by a more moderate 70s family. All in the Family depicted how life in a more conservative 70s family lived. In the episode viewd Archie uses remarks such as "Tinkerbell" and "Fag" to describe the type of man that was not accepted in the 70s by men of his age. Unlike That 70S Show not only do All in the Family revolve around the more modern individuals of the 70 such as hippies and homosexuals the topic of racism is also present. Archie has placed an x on those who are African American, Latino as well as many more.