Sunday, October 31, 2010


The film I chose to represent my 3 Act- Structure is Cinderella. The first scene introduces the main character and protagonist Cinderella and her evil step- mother and sisters. Lady Tremaine, Anastasia Tremaine, and Drizella Tremaine. Cinderella father pasted away as a child and left her with her wicked step-mother who began to treat her like an outcast and completely wrong. One day during their day out Cinderella accidentally bumped into the Prince who was disguised as an common village person and they instantly connected. Plot point #1 arrives when the Prince delivers news that he is hosting a ball in order to find himself a wife. Being the evil person she is Lady Tremaine forbids Cinderella from going because she has to do her everyday chores.
The second scene introduces Cinderellas Fairy God-Mother. He Fairy God-Mother grants Cinderella wish of being able to go to the Ball by magically creating her a princess grown, and a beautiful carriage. At the ball no one knows who Cinderella actually is and she instantly catches the Prince eye. At 12 o' clock Cinderella has to leave and she run- off leaving behind her shoe. Her plot point #2 in made , the Prince finds
her glass slipper. This action ends scene 2 leaving audience wondering what is he going to do with the slipper.
The opening of scence 3 reveals his plan, the Prince decides to go from house to house trying on the slipper to every lady present at the ball. After hours of failure he finally finds Cinderella after her mother and sister try to hide her and the slipper fits. This scene is also plot point 3 and the climax of the story. After this climax the rest of the story reveals the wonderful and happy after life of the Prince and Cinderella

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