Saturday, September 11, 2010

When watching a commercial the audience is lured into the art of framing utilized by the media in order to  persuade one to believe that this certain object being sold is the one and only choice. Framing commericials allow people to see how wonderful the object being advertised is and disguses the negative aspect of the object viewed. Framing teaches one how to comprehend the advertisment commericial and overlook all that could actually be wrong and decietful. One act of framing is embeded in the 2010 L'Oréal Telescopic Explosion Mascara Commercial featuring Penelope Cruz.
Framing in this commercial shows the audience how to view the product as and key concept in a way to obtain more beautiful eye features. In this commercial as well as many others imply that if you use this product you are guaranteed to have up to 60% longer eyelashes. Once the commercial was aired the sales for the L'Oréal Mascara increased but there were fault found in the product. Facts were proven that the actress used in the commercial happened to be wearing individual false eyelashes portraying original eyelashes that buyers are looking for in various products.

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